World Top 5 Best CPU Processor

CPU, the well-known electronic component, stands for Central Processing Unit that behaves like a heart in any computer system. Because of its vital performance, various uses and tremendous demands, many of companies have come in market and dealing in CPU  â€“ manufacturing, designing with its latest technology.

1. Intel

There is no popular and bigger name than Intel when it comes to CPU manufacturing company. The World most popular brand with continuous credit reputation, Intel really has made the biggest brand. Intel is the world largest supplier of the processor. No other brand can compare their own product with Intel’s product. High performance, trustworthy, latest advancement technology, inbuilt memory and many more features are unbeatable by any other company product.

2. AMD

AMD stands for Advanced Micro Devices, deals in the product at the micro level. A very popular industry deals in manufacturing of processor along with some electronic devices and product, because of its consideration of micro and nano-level technology, today it has been the second largest supplier of the processor in the world. Continuous up-gradation in its own product with the latest technology, AMD drives the company reputation in all over the world.

3. Nvidia 

The champion and a great hero of visual technology Nvidia is also a good processor maker. Nvidia offers most of graphic related processor and servers. The company has long past credit history and keep having its continuous innovation, the company is getting popularity in the global market.

4. Qualcomm

Another reputed electronics industry that deals in processors manufacturing and telecommunication products. Lots of innovation and implementation for making own products better, drive the company reputation and make it trustworthy.

5. IBM

It is a rare thing if someone doesn’t know the name of IBM. IBM is considered the father of the electronic world. Yes!! it is true when anyone talks about electronics devices like computer related material, this company name comes with top most brands name. Its is really the very old company and having a good track record, no other brand has yet enriched history like IBM. The company has a great reputation with its product’s reliable performance, in fact, the company is also an inventor of lots of electronics parts. The main goal of the company makes its own product better like processor.