How to write blog?

Step 1. What to Write in Your First Blog Post

You need ideas. Many ideas, not only for your first post, but for your next posts too.
Start by creating a file for your notes and ideas.
It can be Evernote, Google Docs, or Trello. (I use Trello to jot down my ideas.)

Step 2. Here Are Your 57 First Blog Post Ideas

I know how difficult it is for you to decide what to write in your very first blog post.
Struggling to find interesting blog post ideas? That’s why I recommend you to start from this list. (I hope they’ll inspire you!)

Step 3. Steal Ideas for Posts From the Sidebars of Your Competitors

Now, people tend to get rid of sidebars in order to make their readers focus on one thing.
On the article itself.
However, many people (myself included) save the sidebars for their best articles.

Step 5. Know Your TOP Competitors’ Most Visited Pages

Here are the tools that will come in handy.
Don’t be afraid to use them, as there are always free versions that will help you.