Top 5 Operating Systems Used on PC's

1Microsoft Windows 7
Windows 7 is the best OS from Microsoft I have ever experienced...
Easy to install... Crash free... Fabulous Graphics Support for HQ Games.. And more...
Windows Vista is the worst OS from Microsoft...
Very simple to install and better UI also best security.
Very good themes.
Less virus detector... And fabulous display... Maximum features And many more
Not the best when I used it, here's a list of OS with problems out of all of these I used:
- Windows 7 is pretty slow with the Aero theme when I use it.
- Windows 8, ME and Vista is buggy.
- Windows 10 has privacy problems.
- Windows 8.1 is basically the same thing as Windows 8.
- Windows XP has security problems and insecure for my liking.
- Windows 95 (and probably 98) is too unstable.
- Viruses are common in Windows.
- Debian has no real wifi support (to me).
- OpenSUSE can't install properly.
- Gentoo is too complicated. - 50

Ubuntu is a mixture of Windows and Macintosh. Looks like mac but shortcut keys is similar to windows. Great work. I love it
They should sell computers with Ubuntu pre-installed!
I really like the OS, but the thing that so bad is that it uses java iced tea and not java sun
But much better than windows Vista
It really rock me. Windows os gets nothing. Haha sorry to all windows users
Most spread, big community, beautiful ui, understandable ux

3Windows 8
This is lovely
This is friendly
This is fastest
This is best
All at once it must be on top
Fastest Microsoft operating system yet. It has more security features and adds an extra twist and extra compatibility to Windows.
It is nice...

4Windows 8.1
It is just awesome. It has the start button back, you can boot to the desktop, the start screen can be personalized in more ways with more tile sizes, group naming, more apps and more. The store has apps and a better look. Has a more "metro" control panel and more. IT IS GOT TO BE THE BEST OS FROM MICROSOFT
A great replacement for those who hate windows 8. It is sure to be a success as it has been seen in the past!, Its preview ain't that much but what is instore is awesome!
It's cool! Microsoft included a new way of personalizing, customizing and searching!.. It's free on the web!.. Try download it, and experience the "SMARTEST" version of OS that Microsoft have ever created!.. ;-)

5Windows XP Professional
This is all time favorite.. None other than Windows XP
Yeah that is true, but it's reliable, and worth it, yeah it is part of 2001 but seriously, it looks modern, but viruses swarm it - DominiusDarkKnight5 
Hey it's Really good because it is easy to learn & install & also it fast than other OS
Best hacker-friendly operating system out there. You may say windows 7 is better, but it is that windows 7 is a mix of XP and vista together. So after all, windows XP is best OS, windows related.
The best is that Microsoft hAs produced